LESSON 1: Color wheel

I love color! I hope that you learn some tips to help you embrace more color in your life too! AND PLANTS I LOVE those too!

Some terms to keep in mind for this section:

  • Primary colors: red, blue and yellow - cannot be created by mixing ANY paint colors together
  • Secondary colors: orange, green and purple - created by mixing two primary colors together
  • Tertiary colors: red-orange, yellow-orange, green-yellow, blue-green, blue-violet and red-violet - created by mixing a primary and a secondary color that are NEXT to each other in the colorwheel
  • Complimentary colors: colors directly across from each other on the colorwheel



MORE terms to keep in mind for this section:

  • Analogous colors - any three (or 4!) colors directly next to each other on the colorwheel. ie. red-violet, red and orange
  • Monochromatic colors - ONE color, but black and white are added to create VALUE. Creating lighter and darker versions of the one color.

password: colorplay

Let's MIX IT UP!

Time to get out those supplies! If you haven't watched the supply video yet, I suggest doing that first before jumping into this next video!


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